Here are some pictures of my progress so far. The pink and red cloth is my first attempt to use the loom and experiment with twill. The cloth ended up fulling a lot more than expencted, so the finished peice as a much denser and fuzzier appearnace than you will see here. I think if I set a denser warp next time the fulling will be less. This was done at 12 ends per inch, which worked out fine for the tabby piece, but apparently twill wants to be denser. I find this strange as the website I bought the yarn from claims a 12 DPI set should be fine for twill this yarn, but they also said 10 DPI would be fine for tabby, and that turned out to be a disaster with my rigid heddel, as least in so far as I might want to have better control over the fulling process. I think next time I use this particular yarn for warp I will start at 18 for twill and work from there.
The Mary's Veil pattern is going quite well. I'm working with cottolin set at 24 ends per inch. The draft can be found here. The threading is pretty simple and the pattern is quite pretty as it's developing on the loom, the only issue (and it's a tiny one) is that the treadling pattern is a little complicated. I sat down to start this with a nasty cold, all hopped up on the cold meds, so that might have had something to do with it. I'm getting the hang of it quickly though and can just about read my weaving to tell where I am if I have a brain fart mid-repeat. Luckily I cut my warp long enough that I should have enough for the elevation towel I am actually trying to make and a napkin or something to keep for myself. I like this weave quite a bit. It'll be neat to see how it washes up in this particular fiber.
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